
  1. A

    Pool Pad Rainwater Drainage

    I'm thinking about building an above ground pool on an elevated pad with trenches surrounding it for rainwater drainage. Our backyard is very flat and we get heavy rain sometimes resulting in lots of standing water. It does flow in one direction, just pretty slowly. Due to the lack of any...
  2. H

    Looking for grading, backfilling, drainage suggestions

    I'm done getting our new AGP built and filled and now need to put some finish around the outside. I wanted to get some input from those with experience in this area on how best to go about it. The plan is to build a deck up to the pool on the upslope side with enough deck around the perimeter to...
  3. B

    Need advice on new build

    Hi everyone. I need some serious advice!! My name is Becky and I live in CA. After debating for years, I decided to put in a pool! I chose to go with a smaller pool company, as opposed to the bigger local companies. I loved their family-owned feel and the fact that things felt more personal. I...
  4. R

    AGP Build - Pool Is Up - Drainage Issues

    After hemming and hawing on the pool location we finally settled to push the pool further away from the porch. My neighbor used his backhoe to dig out roughly 34" on the high side. For those who are interested, the installer would have charged $25/inch after 4". I have a 3' perimeter around...
  5. W

    Above ground Built into slope... am I DOOMED?

    Hello, Soon to be pool owner. Excavation is tomorrow and install is shortly after that. Site has to be dug 20” to be level so it’s not as crazy as other stuff I’ve heard and read on here. I’m just worried about water collecting around it and ruining my pool. Basically what measures I...