ascorbic acid

  1. B

    I have made a mess. Looking for any insight.

    Hi all- ::::Big sigh here:::: So, last week I saw a video on youtube where someone used a sock full of vitamin c to eradicate metal staining in his pool. I tried it in a small spot and it worked! I instantly went to amazon and bought a gallon of powdered vitamin C and went nuts. Dumped the...
  2. J

    Ascorbic acid treatment and Sequestraint.

    I have been going through the process to remove some iron stains in my liner pool since opening. So far everything has worked great! After letting the AA recirculate without filter, a bunch of dirty sandy powder appeared all over the bottom of the pool. Anyone know what this is? Could it be...
  3. J

    Keeping stains away

    So I have been going down the rabbit hole to remove and keep away the iron stains. So many questions and clarifications I want details on but for now let’s stick to this one thing at a time. I have treated my pool with ascorbic acid and it lifted the iron stains. Now all the Fe3+ is soluble...
  4. J

    What is the best sequesterant to use after AA treatment?

    We closed our pool last year with some iron stains on the vinyl liner surfaces. We identified the stains as iron by using Vitamin C tablets. It was too late in the season to bring the pool to 0 FC and then wait to SLAM for closing. So we closed the pool and just opened it back up. After doing a...
  5. B

    Iron stains - an $850+ adventure (so far...) - Need help

    Hello, I started trying to rectify a swamp of a pool with heavy iron staining at the beginning of May. I'm at my wits end and thinking about getting quotes to fill in the pool with dirt and never have to deal with it again lol... Long story as short as I can get it: - Pool had very deep...
  6. O

    Green clear water

    As I have the past few years, I started seeing stains from the returns on the liner as temps come up. In the past three years I’ve just bought a bottle of vitamin C and stuffed them in a sponge that had a slit cut into it. This year I bought a bottle of powdered ascorbic acid. Following the...
  7. Z

    Iron stains with AA treatment - what should I consider "done"?

    Iron stains with AA treatment - what should I consider "done"? I have some iron stains in my pool. I got a filter setup for fill water that should take out ferric iron. I don't think it'll affect ferrous iron, but regardless, I want to try it out. So I'm doing an AA treatment, then will...
  8. T

    Iron Staining // Ascorbic Acid Treatment

    Hi there, I'm a new pool owner and after getting a bunch of help in the forum I am doing an ascorbic acid treatment. I have zero'ed out my chlorine with a combo of exposure and a little sodium thiosulfate. Brought pH down to 7.2 and have been following this thread. In addition, I am trying...
  9. dclynds

    Anhydrous Citric Acid - Rust-Oleum Concrete Etch

    Hello TFPers, I recently re-finished a concrete floor with a Rust-Oleum epoxy kit and it came with two 1-lb. bags of anhydrous citric acid for etching the concrete. Do you think I could use this product in lieu of ascorbic acid for removing metal stains? If so, would 2-lbs. be enough to treat...
  10. dclynds

    Help With Sequestering Agent

    Hello TFPers, Can someone help me outright or point me to a guide on which Sequestering agent to use for which metal problem with respect to pool finish? I need to do an ascorbic acid treatment to get rid of some pale-brownish stains that are cropping up in my pool (confirmed not algae) and I...
  11. J

    Using Metal Magic without AA

    Has anyone used Metal Magic without doing an AA treatment first? Was it successful? MM claims that it will remove stains from the surface as well as sequester them so I’m wondering if AA is necessary. I’ve attached a pic of my 20k gal iron stained pool.
  12. T

    AA Treatment - In Ground Pool - Water Exchange / Replacement

    For the past few years I've tried the AA treatment to remove my brown stains around my pool. They are most prominent on 1) Steps 2) jet output areas on wall 3) shallow end and 4) where the wall meets the floor. The deep end floor has little staining. The AA treatment always works in removing...
  13. Momma4

    Please critique my iron staining plan of attack

    Hi, everyone - I'm Kim. I'm here because pool stores have let us down too many times. Our pool currently has an iron stain throughout the pool. I'm certain it's iron because the Iron Stain Remover that the pool store sold us worked, it's just that it came back (multiple times - the pool store...
  14. J

    Cause of iron staining?

    Hi all! First time poster, long time reader. I’ve owned my 24’ above ground pool for 7 years. I noticed discoloration on the liner after opening the pool this year and eventually discovered it was iron staining. I’m most of the way through a successful ascorbic acid/sequestrant treatment. My...
  15. M

    Ascorbic Acid Treatment for Metal Stains in Vinyl Pool

    I followed the process for identifying and then treating iron stains on my vinyl pool, as laid out in the TFP Forum thread here; as well as another detailed version of the same process on another forum...
  16. Tena

    New to plaster IGP and struggling

    I've had numerous above ground pools, with no problems. Our IG plaster was filled last week. The fill water looked green and the sides are now stained light brown . The builder suggests I throw in a couple of bottles of Stain Away and a bottle of Jack's Magic*. I've done enough reading to know...