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  1. C

    Plumber’s Bladder

    I have a shop vac - fingers crossed!
  2. C

    Plumber’s Bladder

    Thanks so much - think I’ll give this a try!
  3. C

    Plumber’s Bladder

    I have been working on my pool for a month short story is pool was filled with oak tree leaves & was a total mess. Dipped & dipped some more & got all leaves out but a few. Pool is crystal clear but needs vacuuming. Couldn’t get it to vacuum - pump would prime with main drain & skimmer both open...
  4. C


    I think my SWG is dead. My question is - can I just use chlorine because I really don’t have the $$$ to replace it. My pool has turned into a money pit ?And if so how would I go about switching over? Thanks so much!
  5. C

    Skimmer not skimming

    Yes, but when the hose is not hooked up & the pump is running, there is no suction at all on the skimmer.
  6. C

    Skimmer not skimming

    Have been working along on my pool with the help of this wonderful bunch of folks. Got ready to vacuum & it did for a minute then I have no suction at all. My pump isn't priming at all - any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. C


    Thanks - I finally got it off with the help of a rubber mallet. Looks like I may have a suction side leak. Basket won't fill with water - tried to prime by adding a bucket of water. I heard a sputtering noise & saw a small drip on the pipe. Sigh. One step forward - five steps back. I was...
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    Trying to vacuum - took the lid off the leaf basket & put it back on crooked I assume! How can I get it off - it won't budge [emoji30][emoji30][emoji30] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. C

    What a mess!

    Thanks mam!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    What a mess!

    Daily update - scooped more gunk out last night. Noticed lots & lots of pale brown "dust" that stirred up as I was scooping. Plan on vacuuming tonight. Should I vacuum to waste instead of running it through the filter? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. C

    What a mess!

    Wonder if I could order from Amazon - being that I live out in the sticks [emoji12] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. C

    What a mess!

    That's another question I have about backwashing - won't it wash my chlorine out as I'm backwashing? And I've read about DE. Where do I get it and how to add it to the filter? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. C

    What a mess!

    Thanks Patrick! This pic is from this morning - I have scooped a bunch out - wish I could see deep end bottom so I could scoop it more! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. C

    What a mess!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. C

    What a mess!

    Quick update - yesterday evening I poured 8 gallons of bleach in. Started brushing - it had already started turning more of a green than brown by bedtime! Yay - and I can now sew my 2nd step. So what to do this evening - brush some more, check the chlorine level, maybe start vacuuming? I'm...
  16. C

    Aquapure SWG

    Thanks - I turned it to 0%. I thought the light had to be off on the control panel for it to be turned off.
  17. C

    Aquapure SWG

    I know this has to be a really dumb question, but how do I turn my SWG off manually? I'm in the process of starting my slam & know it needs to be off - but how? I have searched everywhere trying to find out how, but haven't figured it out yet.
  18. C

    What a mess!

    Thanks mac4lyfe - think I do need one with my swampy mess! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. C

    What a mess!

    Also, do I need a wire brush for the walls instead of the plastic type? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    What a mess!

    So just pour all the bleach in with the pump running - I won't be here all day tomorrow - that's ok? And the skimmer is not pulling much through - think the line is clogged up?
  21. C

    What a mess!

    AHA!!! I thought I had ordered a refill kit last summer - found it. It had a small bottle of R13 so I rechecked my water with that and still can see the black dot when the tube is full!! The kit is stored inside my house - so the reagents should be good huh? I added about 15 oz of muriatic...
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    What a mess!

    Meeee too!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. C

    What a mess!

    Will do - think I'll hold off until I have for sure numbers. I'll keep scooping more gunk out until them!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. C

    What a mess!

    Thank you all so very much for the kind words & great advice! I have a Wal Mart about 20 miles away & a dollar general here. That black gunk on the steps does move around a bit, I have been dipping out leaves and yuck from the bottom. I am concerned that the over flow from the spa is not very...
  25. C

    What a mess!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  26. C

    What a mess!

    Good deal!!!! I'll get started tomorrow - hopefully the rain will stop [emoji849] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  27. C

    What a mess!

    Thanks for all the help! Yes, the dot IS visible, even diluted 50/50. And the pump was running when I tested. I have tried Getting my Iaqualink connected back, even called Zodiac. They told me my antenna was not connected to my Wi-Fi. I'm extremely overwhelmed with it all - hoping I can...
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    What a mess!

    Long story short: Married for 40 years, husband finds younger woman = divorce. He took care of the pool & I limped along last year barely keeping it going. Have the Iaqualink and my router went out last fall, replaced router & haven't been able to connect since. I'm totally wanting to learn...
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    water shooting out of sand filter

    I guess I need to explain my situation. Husband has always done the pool equipment & left me for another woman. On my own trying to figure this all out. Pool was built in 2009 & he didn't tell me when he left the SWG was not working & had been using chlorinate tablets. The hot tub is also...
  30. C

    water shooting out of sand filter

    So we changed the sand out in our filter. said to open pressure valve on top and backwash. after about 30 seconds, water shoots out of the pressure valve! help!!!