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  1. J


    Leak detection company is coming again Wednesday. Continued bucket test with pump off and it doesn’t drop at all. Must be a return. Hoping it’s not under the decking
  2. J


    Did the bucket test yesterday evening. It’s only been 12 hours and the pool side was down at least a half inch. The water inside the bucket had zero change.
  3. J


    It was repaired (the pvc line). I highly doubt it is busted again because when I isolate 100 percent suction on the skimmer the pump does fine. Before it could not prime. (That’s how we figured it out)
  4. J


    They figured out the skimmer was busted. Which wasn’t difficult because the pump couldn’t prime when only sucking from the skimmer. They used audio tools and dye elsewhere.
  5. J


    Please give me your thoughts. This pool may be the end of me. Since last fall, we have had two conduit leaks fixed, a spa return crack, and now our skimmer, which was a bear to get to under the decking. Now it appears to me to be going down faster than it should. It’s about one inch per day. I’m...
  6. J

    Epoxy around water line tile/skimmer interface

    Just for context, the reason my installer did it in the first place was at the recommendation of the leak detection company.
  7. J

    Epoxy around water line tile/skimmer interface

    Thanks for the reply. So is it something in your opinion I should repair or not? I am scarred by multiple leaks and am not sure I’ll ever have a trouble free pool
  8. J

    Epoxy around water line tile/skimmer interface

    My pool installer a few weeks ago said he needed to add some water safe epoxy product to this area. Well I am looking at it now and you can see where he added it but there’s a clear area in the bottom right corner where it is missing. Is this critical to have? Will water leak out in this...
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  10. J

    OmniLogic error messages

    I probably just need to get the electrician out here that installed it. Was hoping I could figure it out
  11. J

    OmniLogic error messages

    I am aware these are likely electrical connection issues. I opened my box up and everything looks solid with no burn marks. I will attach a photo (although that won’t really be good enough for you to diagnose anything) just in case something is dramatically off. The errors I keep getting are...
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  13. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    Wait it’s supposed to be open. How long should it shoot water out?
  14. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    Well I just went out there and I left the manual relief valve open on top of the filter so water was spraying out. That may be part of my problem.
  15. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    Just turned pump back on and get these. CHLOR Relay K2 Stuck Open Chlorinator1. T-CELL Current Sensor Short Chlorinator1.
  16. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    Definitely dirtier than I would have though. Hopefully that will take care of the flow issue
  17. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    It has been maybe a month-6 weeks. I just now cleaned them. They were fairly tan to light brown colored? I reset the pressure gage on the manual relief valve so I will know next time. I don’t think I have a heater bypass valve.
  18. J

    Heating spa last night issues

    Heater has been great so far. Last night we fired it up and it quickly got to around 93, but then it kept bouncing off 93 similarly to the way it does 104 when working properly. Did this for an hour and slowly broke through to where it got up to around 100 and w got out. I checked all the setup...
  19. J

    Turn off emergency pump ok?

    Ok thanks. Well like you said it’s the cost of using a spa in the winter I suppose. I could heat the pool up 10-15 degrees and then just the spa for a couple hours. Surely that would be enough to keep the pool pipes safe
  20. J

    Turn off emergency pump ok?

    Thanks for the response. I have always read as long as you get up over 59 degrees or whatever it is then your heater is fine
  21. J

    Turn off emergency pump ok?

    Only thing I am concerned with is evaporation and not being able to fill it back up easily if it gets close to the skimmer
  22. J

    Turn off emergency pump ok?

    I keep my pump running 24/7, and I have the emergency automatic feature on for freezing temperatures. My question is would it be ok for me to turn off the emergency freeze protection feature as long as I keep my pump running (it’s snowing here and will be below freezing the next few days)? The...
  23. J

    Salt Level Help

    Also, for us that have the chlorinators, we add salt and it turns it into chlorine. So why add the shock to begin with?
  24. J

    Salt Level Help

    Can anyone explain why (you believe) my chlorine levels aren’t even on the scale? My guess is the guy that added the shock either didn’t add enough. It seems most on here recommend liquid chlorine. This was a powdery type additive. Does that cold water play into that as well? I’m going to do...
  25. J

    Salt Level Help

    Thanks guys. Should I pick up some cya since without it the chlorine effort will be futile?
  26. J

    Salt Level Help

    Circling back, I believe I just need a basic starter kit of additives. Correct me if I am wrong. My guy added a few small (again I dont know the exact size but they were not nearly the ai””size of the salt bags) bags of shock and the. I added the salt the next day which we now know was...
  27. J

    Salt Level Help

    So I need to buy a few of these kits? Do you just typically rely on your chloronator reading in the summer once you know it’s calibrated correctly? And in the winter test it every month or so? I assume these are once per use test kits and the cost start to stack up.
  28. J

    Salt Level Help

    Plaster was done back in October. It had water in it for at least a month before any chemicals. Probably 7-8 weeks.
  29. J

    Salt Level Help

    Good stuff. Thanks
  30. J

    Salt Level Help

    I assume the water is safe to get in if we want to use the hot tub? Again, test the water I am sure is the answer here.