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  1. L

    cloudy pool water

    the first test was done at the pool place but they are usually pretty accurate, SEcond test I did on my own. So I shouldnt' worry about getting my PH down before slamming?
  2. L

    cloudy pool water

    just opened our pool last week. I didn't add chlorine till a few days later. Water was clear and I thought because it was still pretty cold out side it wouldn't need chlorine (we live in Winnipeg Manitoba). CYA 50 TA 80 PH 7.2 Cal <300 CC 0 this was the reading once pool was opened...
  3. L

    FC level

    i think maybe i am losing a lot of chlorine due to algae. I can see a little bit forming a the seams of the liner in the deep end. I am still waiting for my Taylor kit to arrive from amazon and I will attempt to do a SLAM.
  4. L

    FC level

    its funny our pool was a "salt water pool" we had a salt generator but the pool company told us salt water pool are more corrosive to the pool equipement. So we changed it to a chlorine pool. Is there any truth to that. Now I feel they said that because its more costly for chemicals.
  5. L

    FC level

    typically i find i would need to add 3.5 L per day! i feel like its terrible for using so many jugs. Thanks for all the helpful advice. Pool chemistry is pretty interesting. So much to know.
  6. L

    FC level

    where and how are you purchasing your liquid chlorine? In jugs or like a big container full. Seems like so much jugs of chlorine to purchase each week or month if you buy all together. I feel bad using so many chlorine jugs. Usually we buy the chlorine from Canadian tire its like an...
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    TA level

    I will work on getting a kit. Aug is typically still pretty hot in Winnipeg so we don't close it till close to Oct but we typically don't use it anymore once it gets to second week of Sept (we stop heating the pool as the temperature over night is in the single digits by then)
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    TA level

    my TA is 110 do I need to lower if my PH has been consistently at 7.4? CYA 50 calcium 310 combine cl 0 FC i try to keep at 4-5
  9. L

    FC level

    so 4-5 ppm would be around 3.5 to 4ish Litre of 10.5% chlorine. Is chlorine depleted by that much each day?? On Monday I had the water tested at a pool place (I am unable to get a test kit at this moment): FC 1 TA 110 PH7.4 calcium 310 combine Cl 0 CYA 50 That night i added 3.5L of 10.5%...
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    Liquid Chlorine adding salt to pool

    How would you test the Salt concentration in your pool? How would you ever know if you are reaching a high concentration of salt?
  11. L

    Liquid Chlorine?

    Is there any disadvantage of liquid chlorine. We are using cal hypo but I want to switch to liquid to prevent high concentration of calcium over time. I was told liquid can be damaging to our vinyl liner ? Is this true? To me that doesnt make sense but I wanted to ask
  12. L

    FC level

    I've been testing water at the pool place. I am slowly realizing they don't know what they are doing. One girl told me stabilized pucks doesn't increase cya cuz the amount is so little. And when our cya was over 100 she said to only drain 6 inches below the skimmer box. So I plan on getting a...
  13. L

    FC level

    Recently I had an issue with CYA Being too high. We were using stabilized pucks with cal. Hypo to chlorinate our pool. We were never told by the pool company to drain the pool till it was way too high and our pool was cloudy. Long story short we drained the pool and now CYA is 50. But...