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  1. J

    DE in sand filter

    I'm debating about deep cleaning the filter then removing some of the gravel (maybe half) and adding sand on top so it would have two layers of filtering media.
  2. J

    DE in sand filter

    I have gravel in my filter I have seen a few puffs of gravel in the backwash sight glass but that seems to be new this year, I don't remember it doing that last year. and it doesn't do it every backwash. I contacted the filter manufacturer and they can't tell me what height the "sand" is...
  3. J

    DE in sand filter

    the DE article says you may need 1 to 2 cups thats why i've tried 1/4 and 1/3 cup and it doesn't rise a noticeable amount after a few minutes it just plugs up in one day. I don't use DE year round either I am just trying to polish up after my slam. But tonight I came home and pressure was at...
  4. J

    Hot tub TA wont come down

    muriatic acid is way cheaper than PH down but for the qty required for a spa it isn't too bad and easy to handle.
  5. J

    Hot tub TA wont come down

    TA will adjust as you adjust the PH. mine likes to sit around 40 and the PH ends up high 7's low 8's If I try to force the PH lower the TA gets too low and then the PH gets eratic.
  6. J

    New water with perfect chemistry is cloudy??!

    somebody may have peed in it. I don't add more than 100PPm of calcium in my spa but definitely more FC s required, also I find if the air vents are only a little open it can make it seem cloudy but they are just air bubbles.
  7. J

    DE in sand filter

    I seem to have an issue with my filter. Just finishing my slam and my filter seems to plugging up quickly when I add DE to it. I have a feeling this is normal but I would have to backwash daily if I keep adding DE. without DE I can go several days almost a week without backwashing but if I...
  8. J

    closing with polyquat?

    I think I will try it. All the pool equipment gets drained (filter) / brought inside (Pump) for the winter due to freezing temps. the water is actually crystal clear when the ice melts but I can see sediment and a light green haze on the bottom. The first time it happened last year I just...
  9. J

    closing with polyquat?

    I had two years straight of opening my pool to a green pea soup and was wondering what I"m doing wrong. first year opened to a clear pool and I would say it was the year I was learning so may not have done everything right but I wasn't expecting my second and third years to be green. I...
  10. J

    Anyone else have a never ending tug of war between pH and TA in their spa?

    just let the TA ride. I have the same problem and can't seem to stop having to add MA to my spa but maybe try and target 7.8 instead of 7.4 by the time the PH starts to sort of stabilize it is usually time to dump the water and start again. hopefully someone else will come along with a better...
  11. J

    switched spa to bromine.

    my son went in before I could test and there was no BR by the time I tested so I added 50ML of LC and got up to 5.5 BR and added another 25ML LC for overnight and will test tonight to see what kind of daily losses I am looking at.
  12. J

    switched spa to bromine.

    I added about 40 grams. it is 99% from spadepot. I purchased in the US and imported on a road trip. Instructions on bottle said 1/2 TBSP per 100 gallons. I will test tonight and see where I am at with the BR.
  13. J

    switched spa to bromine.

    So I've gone and done it. added about 1.5 tablespoons of sodium bromide and am trying to adjust the bromine level slowly. I started out with 3.5 FC and then added the sodium bromide. then tested BR and was expecting around 7.5-8 but I got around 2 so I added 20 ml of older( 21 081 date code)...
  14. J

    how to establish bromide bank with tablets.

    You americans and your complicated measuring systems. When a US product says to use 1/2 OZ of a granular product is that by weight or volume. How can a useful system have the same units that are two different things. they do say to use 1/2 a level tablespoon too. both of those are per 100...
  15. J

    how to establish bromide bank with tablets.

    finally got some sodium bromide and I think I want to try it. I am due for a drain and fill in about a month so if the bromine doesn't work out I can change fairly quickly. I never did end up using the bromine 14.7% stuff I bought. So I have been running my spa on LC for more than a year but...
  16. J

    Gas can sand weights for stairs, what does everyone do? Add bleach?

    I will have to look into these suggestions. I did have a slight build up of green algae late in the season and when i took out the stairs there was green underneath. I brushed it around and raised FC to slam level at closing but I opened to pea soup this year so will definitely try harder to...
  17. J

    Gas can sand weights for stairs, what does everyone do? Add bleach?

    my stairs came with a small cylinder that you fill with sand and it gets dropped into a hole in the bottom step but probably a quarter of the size of a five gallon can. water cna get into the cylinder so it helps with less floating but I'm not sure about what to do about algae in that cylinder...
  18. J

    Sand Filter media

    I sent them an e-mail just now. Their filter technical specs only list the weight of sand that should be added. I currently don't have any filter problems my backwashes are about once a week. It did take a long time to clear the water after my SLAM but that was the first time for me so I have...
  19. J

    Sand Filter media

    its a CARVIN LASER HP19C but I can't find anything about the freeboard height on the internet. I will have to look into contacting them. funny thing is the sticker on the filter is not the same as what they have on their website.
  20. J

    Sand Filter media

    Any one have any idea how high the media is supposed to be in the filter. I'm assuming around half way up. i know it shouldn't be up to the top. It's just hard to picture what 4 bags of media would look like in the filter.
  21. J

    Sand Filter media

    just checked the filter and it is a 19 inch model. according to the sticker it is supposed to take 200Lbs of sand. Now I am second guessing my memory, maybe they did use the 4 bags in the filter. it would make sense.
  22. J

    Sand Filter media

    bags are 50 lbs and the filter is not huge. it is sized for a 21 ft above ground pool. probably somewhere around two and a half feet tall and maybe 18 inches in dia
  23. J

    Sand Filter media

    definitely all gravel. they brought five bags of gravel uses two for under the paving stones and put two in the filter and I have one left over. but I did have a problem at the begining with it requiring back washes every couple of days and the guy that came to check it had the top of the...
  24. J

    Sand Filter media

    starting my second full season with the pool and had a question about pool filter media. The company that installed my pool used gravel in the filter. it is actually written filter media on the bag so i think it is actually designed for this purpose but i was wondering what you guys think of...
  25. J

    Really inconsistent FAS-DPD test results! HELP!!

    thats funny I usually try to use up the clumps first. I don't think it really matters but what I noticed with my test for the first time is that the solution would turn white then back to pink before the next drop would hit. This is during a slam and I never had it happen before so I am...
  26. J

    First year having to open the pool saltwater NJ

    I've never done my cell since it is transparent and there is absolutely no build up but the cell cleaning is actually just soaking the internal parts in a cleaning solution. you shouldn't need a bucket and definitely don't use your hands to clean it in the solution. instructions should be on...
  27. J

    ahhsome packaging

    Ok thanks for the tip. I have a mesh screen with a finer mesh strainer in the bottom. I do clean it out regularly. I think I will use up what's left of my hot tub cleaner in the dishwasher, I don't have enough left to clean out the hot tub.
  28. J

    ahhsome packaging

    thats why I came here hoping to catch Ahhsomeguy's attention. It worked. thanks for the update. are they the same formula and I can try some in my dishwasher.
  29. J

    trichlor vs liquid chlorine and PH

    my cover is open now too while I"m checking up on the forum:)
  30. J

    ahhsome packaging

    has ahhsome changed their packaging. need to get more and I found a 6 oz package on amazon cheaper than tfs test kits but the image is different. Worried about getting a counterfeit product.