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  1. L

    cloudy pool water

    just opened our pool last week. I didn't add chlorine till a few days later. Water was clear and I thought because it was still pretty cold out side it wouldn't need chlorine (we live in Winnipeg Manitoba). CYA 50 TA 80 PH 7.2 Cal <300 CC 0 this was the reading once pool was opened...
  2. L

    TA level

    my TA is 110 do I need to lower if my PH has been consistently at 7.4? CYA 50 calcium 310 combine cl 0 FC i try to keep at 4-5
  3. L

    Liquid Chlorine?

    Is there any disadvantage of liquid chlorine. We are using cal hypo but I want to switch to liquid to prevent high concentration of calcium over time. I was told liquid can be damaging to our vinyl liner ? Is this true? To me that doesnt make sense but I wanted to ask
  4. L

    FC level

    Recently I had an issue with CYA Being too high. We were using stabilized pucks with cal. Hypo to chlorinate our pool. We were never told by the pool company to drain the pool till it was way too high and our pool was cloudy. Long story short we drained the pool and now CYA is 50. But...