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  1. VinnyinNJ

    Did the new PoolMath wipe out the old data?

    Just curious, seems like all of last year's info has been wiped off my account? Not a big deal if it did. Originally it had me relog in, I don't remember how I logged in last year so just used my Google account info and everything was gone. It does see I renewed in May so I'm good for another year!
  2. VinnyinNJ

    Never thought I'd ever have to worry but I need outdoor security cameras!

    Some idiot(s) (and we think we know who did it) egged our garage and my son's truck last night. We are upset and my wife very much so and it's time that we use surveillance cameras around the house. We have a Ring doorbell and I was planning on getting for the front of our house 2 wired Ring...
  3. VinnyinNJ

    Sad Day - Closed Pool!

    Well this year was a pretty good pool season, thanks to TFP! If I didn't screw up my salt it would have been a great season !!🤣 We typically close the pool the weekend after Labor Day as the trees usually start dumping their leaves in 3 to 4 weeks. We wish we could have left the pool open maybe...
  4. VinnyinNJ

    First time using the Taylor Speed Stir

    And the verdict is ... it's just ok. Yes, it mixes the water better than my swirling by wrist but I don't really see the need for it. It was "fun" watching the cyclone in the jar. I'll keep it, use it and maybe it'll grow on me but at this point if/when it breaks I wouldn't replace it. I payed...
  5. VinnyinNJ

    Thoughts about using lower CYA with solar covered pool

    First, I understand why we should have higher CYA in a salt pool, it helps with keeping the FC and it doesn't tax the SWG. What I noticed in my pool with it covered 95% of the time I'm not losing chlorine that fast. My last CYA test was 50 and I can go days without adding more liquid chlorine...
  6. VinnyinNJ

    Solved ... Confer Steps Floating Somewhat

    Last year I Macgyvered our Confer step system and it was solid enough but it wasn't on a base and it was just so we could get into the pool for the 2 to 3 weeks it was going to be open. Drilled a couple of holes in the steps to help eliminate air when submerging the steps and thought I got it...
  7. VinnyinNJ

    Where has all the salt gone?

    I'm a salt newbie! I used my SWG 3 days last season before we closed the pool just to see if it worked and this year I haven't used it yet - all done by LC so far. I cracked open the last bottle this weekend and figured lets get the pool ready for the SWG. I tested the salt using the Taylor salt...
  8. VinnyinNJ

    Question About CSI

    I asked this question a while ago, didn't get an answer and let it drop but I just read a thread about CSI and a SWG. I always thought CSI was about plaster pool etching, am I wrong? My CSI numbers are always less than -1. Is this something I do need to worry about with a SWG? I know my TA and...
  9. VinnyinNJ

    OK, where did the salt go? :-)

    This is officially my first season with a SW pool. I did have it opened last year for about 3 weeks once it was installed around Labor Day but it wasn't anything long term. I'm using the Taylor salt testing kit When I opened the pool in May, I tested the salt and it was at 2800 PPM so I added...
  10. VinnyinNJ

    What I learned from this year's opening

    Although I am not a pool newbie, I am a SWG pool newbie. I haven't opened a pool in 3 years and by following the TFP way of taking care of my pool I really never had issues. We decided to open the pool earlier than we normally do to hopefully have warmer water on Memorial Day weekend (doesn't...
  11. VinnyinNJ

    Anyone own a Hayward AG suction cleaner?

    My first real test of the Hayward Penguin cleaner which is the same as Wanda the Whale, Dave the Diver and the Aquabug. Are there others? IDK! If you own any of these my question is how do you keep them from rolling on their sides? I put it into the pool, diverted the return to point up to the...
  12. VinnyinNJ

    Opening day 2023

    I looks like tonight is going to be our opening day. We usually open Memorial Day weekend but we want to get the pool ready, get my bearings with the SWG, put the solar cover on and hopefully have somewhat warmer water to go in. I opened the winter cover to put the hose in and the water looked...
  13. VinnyinNJ

    Decent low cost light duty power washer

    If anyone is looking for a power washer for washing a deck (based on reviews works on concrete but I can't confir.) take a look at the Greenworks power washer bundle at Lowes. For $100 you get a 1800 PSI washer, 2 heads - a 40 degree fan and a turbo along with a surface cleaner. I wasn't...
  14. VinnyinNJ

    How long do pressure guages last

    My pool was set up the last week of August last year, it was open for 3 weeks then I closed the pool. I did winterize the sand filter and put the valve in "winter" mode. Looking at the guage this past weekend it is showing 20 PSI, which is wrong and the glass has water condensation in it. I'm...
  15. VinnyinNJ

    Question about a couple of pool items

    Leaf Rake - I like to use a leaf rake to take out debris that falls into the pool after a wind storm or in the fall. I have one that is 20 YO has worked well all those years and unfortunately as developed holes in the netting and I'm looking for a new one, does anyone use them and do you like...
  16. VinnyinNJ

    Today Officially started our 2023 Pool Season ... Sort Of!

    We had our pool installed the week before Labor Day last year, MacGyvered our pool ladder to be able to get into the pool and 2 weeks after Labor Day we closed it. The only thing we did for the pool was to put the grass plugs that were removed for the bonding back for the final electrical...
  17. VinnyinNJ

    Got a proposal from dealer to open/close pool and or weekly maintenance

    I'm putting this here only because I have an AG pool. Our last pool was bought from a different local pool store and never received such a proposal. It is a form letter that is sent out to all their customers. I'm not using this service but just putting it here since this is my first time seeing...
  18. VinnyinNJ

    Another PSA, this time on Confer Step-1X

    We put together the steps today, the pool store lied to us because the "new design" still has the steps floating. I was NOT going to fill the ladder with sand and weighing down the steps with anything was not getting them down as I could not push the steps underwater. My solution: I drilled 12...
  19. VinnyinNJ

    A PSA on AG solar cover

    Just wanted to put it here that I purchased a 24 foot 12mil solar cover for our pool, put it onto the pool and it is larger than the pool by about 6-8 inches. It's a good thing vs being smaller but that means trimming it down to fit the pool. In this day I guess it's good to get more than you...
  20. VinnyinNJ

    Can someone please explain to me how an Aquatrol RJ turns itself on/off?

    The dealer put in an Aquatrol RJ SWG. A non RJ uses a flow switch where the RJ does not. Everything I've read so far say that the timer in the Aquatrol is for the filter pump, nothing is mentioned about turning the cell on/off. If I got my facts correct, the T-5 cell is the same in both models...
  21. VinnyinNJ

    Does it pay to have stupid luck with pool water?

    Pool is filled, the dealer is coming to do an orientation for the family but I won't be there, gotta work! I was impatient last night with 13,500 gallons of water not being taken care of so I went outside and made sure things worked. Since the filter was on I figured why not add some stabilizer...
  22. VinnyinNJ

    Powdered Stabilizer?

    Today the dealer comes and installs the filer and SWG along with the electrician to install the circuits. I started to fill the socks with stabilizer, opened the bag and it's powdered! I was totally surprised!!!😮 I bought a 10 lb bag of it from Amazon since it was a good price. Anyone used...
  23. VinnyinNJ

    Starting water chemistry

    Since my pool is filling I figured it's time to get my water readings so ... PH 7.4 TA 10 CH 60 BTW, these are from TFP/Taylor test kit. I'll be adding stabilizer and salt probably on Monday once the pool is totally filled and they install the equipment - should I expect my PH or TA to go up...
  24. VinnyinNJ

    Aquatrol question

    Reading the Aquatrol manual it says the timer is there to control the pump. I saw an Aquarite video today that says the timer controls the pump and the SWG power. I believe the 2 devices are similar (the same?) when the J4 jumper is installed. Does that timer control the SWG? I'm not sure how...
  25. VinnyinNJ

    Question about SWG run time

    We're a week away from having our AG pool installed. I opted for an Aquatrol SWG for the chlorine generation vs bleach/liquid chlorine. Since I don't have real world experience yet I'm playing around with Pool Math and it looks like to generate 2 PPM chlorine I could run the SWG at 55% for 14...
  26. VinnyinNJ

    Wondering if anyone built this solar cover holder?

    We had a solar over on our last pool which was great but when we took it off we just laid it on the ground; we bought one for the new pool. My wife was looking up "solar cover hacks" for some reason and came up with a photo of a PVC holder that you put into the ground, it stands about the height...
  27. VinnyinNJ

    What to do with the skimmer opening when closing an AG pool?

    For our last pool we had a plate where I took out 6 screws, put a square rubber gasket on and replaced those screws with longer ones. I know some people used to use a "Tupperware " lid type device instead of what I did. The skimmer ithat we are getting is supposed to be a widemouth skimmer. Is...
  28. VinnyinNJ

    Any brands of chemicals to stay away from?

    I don't plan on using a lot (probably none! :cool:) of pool store chemicals; I did use polyquat 60 when I screwed up! In the past I have used any brand of real bleach, same with baking soda and only used "20 Mule Team" borax. I just purchased CYA off of Amazon, thought it was a good price and...
  29. VinnyinNJ

    Hardscape or landscape ideas for around the pool

    20+ years ago when our pool went up I had the "great" idea to put rocks around the pool. I put heavy duty black plastic under them and used black plastic edging to keep it all in check. In my brillance I used pebble stones first and then larger "river rock" stones. To my surprise 😲 it didn't...
  30. VinnyinNJ

    Question about PH reagent(s)

    I need to buy all new replacement reagents and was going to buy them from the test kit site. All the numbers are the same except for the PH reagent included. My reagent number is R-0004 and I also have R-0005 & R-0006 which with Pool Math I know I don't really need these; the reagent for PH is...