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  1. My wife's pool boy

    No more grackles

    In case it helps anyone else, we found a solution to keeping the grackles (and all of their 'you know what') out of and away from the pool... We used to have swarms of grackles and they would perch on the power lines behind our house. We tried spinners that flashed, noise makers, etc. - all of...
  2. My wife's pool boy

    First water test - am I on the right track?

    Hello everyone, newbie here... I just took the first water test and have the following results: FC: 2.0 pH: 8.2 TA: 170 CH: 325 CYA: 20 Salt: 3400 CSI: 0.79 Seems like I need to focus on lowering pH and TA, and raising CYA, and then everything else will stabilize a little better? I started with...
  3. My wife's pool boy

    Hello from Houston

    We just purchased a house that came with a pool and it's our first. Our family is super excited and I'm looking forward to learning tons from all of you. Thanks!