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  1. Selenap


  2. Selenap

    I have a smoking habit.

  3. Selenap

    Carlos got stranded in the bathroom.

    Since buying a robot for the pool, I decided to get a couple Roombas for the house. The mop is Carlos, the vacuum is Jesus. Carlos somehow shut himself up in the bathroom. I got a distress notification and free’d him. My husband just shakes his head.
  4. Selenap


    Every dead tree branch in the GSM has landed in my yard, the pool, road. We have high winds (I have never seen it this bad in the 10 years we’ve lived here). The power is out. There are holes in my brand new solar cover from the branches. The cover for my grill is gone, along with a trash can...
  5. Selenap

    Solar cover

    So I bought a new 12 mil solar cover. Having higher than 4ppm chlorine voids the warranty. Really don’t care. But higher chlorine does degrade the cover. So this blows. It took forever to get one in my size without needing a loan. I guess the question is, is how much degradation will happen if I...
  6. Selenap

    Meet Juan, my new pool boy.

  7. Selenap

    Sad day.

    I have the net across the pool now. Once the leaves fall, I’ll blow them off, drain down and cover with a tarp. I don’t bother buying winter covers. It’s all just tarp anyway. I’ve ripped enough fancy ones to know😂 In the spring I plan to move my pump 60-70 feet to the garage area. Then I can...
  8. Selenap

    Cost to maintain 4/21- present

    $200 Liquid CL in varying percentages ~30gallons and 8 bags of Cal hypo $20 baking soda ~24 lbs +/- $150 boric acid/borax ~50lbs of boric acid, 20 lbs of borax $50 MA~ 10 gallons $16 CYA~ 8 lbs $436 total Next year my costs will just be CL to maintain and maybe $10-$20 for borax and acid. This...
  9. Selenap

    Do you hear what I hear?

    I have been forced to get hearing aids. 1. the pool pump is really loud. 2. send gift basket to neighbor who has had to listen to it for 6 years. 3. Hearing aids are not waterproof. 4. Sorry about the loud music. I didn’t know. 5. send another gift basket. 6. Hearing aids are not...
  10. Selenap

    Filter pressure

    So I have a new this year cartridge filter. I clean it regularly. I have no water problems and the out flow is fantastic. On high speed the pump will push water clear across the pool. My issue is the rising pressure. It went from the standard 11psi to 14psi. I cleaned the impeller. There is no...
  11. Selenap

    Fred’s acomin!

    I live in WNC. They expect us to get upwards of 7 inches of rain. They always say that and we get nothing. But an afternoon thunderstorm will dump two inches an hour. 😂I’m ready I suppose. In other news, my local Lowe’s had six, 5 gallon buckets of chlorine tablets. It had been there so long the...
  12. Selenap

    Oh boy!

    So we got a leak. Back of the downstairs tub. The bathroom is tiled so the least damaging way to get to it was through the outside wall. This leak has been going on a few years looks like. In February I notice the concrete in the crawl space was wet. We thought it was rain run off from not...
  13. Selenap

    Before and after(ish)

    Anytime I add water to my pool from my well I put the hose in the skimmer. You can see why. Marge is a dirty, dirty girl. Iron, bugs, pine needles (so,so many needles) and other unidentifiable stuff. I had only rose one psi over a month and a half but I knew it was ugly inside. Probably the best...
  14. Selenap

    Monthly donation

    I’ve decided on a small monthly donation. Otherwise I’ll just blow it on liquor, women and hockey pucks. Hopefully my small penance will help you continue your good work. If I had the zoom thing I could participate in your discussions but I don’t, and I’d have to set an alarm to be awake anyways.
  15. Selenap


    What’s the deal with all the concern about phosphate? It seems people who use pool stores are always being told to reduce them. Is phosphate even a concern? When did it become a thing to treat for them? How do you really know they are there? I don’t even know if I have phosphates in my water...
  16. Selenap


    I was a little low on water in my pool. Rain chances everyday for the last week did nothing but maintain what I got. So today I gave up and put a half inch in the pool. Not even 30 minutes later and it’s been pouring the rain for 45 minutes. Now I’m probably close to the top of the skimmer. It’s...
  17. Selenap

    Return line leak

    I have a leaky return and yesterday it decided not to play around. I’ve drained 6 inches down to fix it. Ugh. Hopefully we’ll get some of that Elsa rain but I think I’m too far west in NC.
  18. Selenap

    So which is it?

    Calcium hardness I realize is not vital for a vinyl pool according to TPF. Other internet sources say it is because water will find calcium somewhere. Until this year, I never worried about calcium. Anyways. If I test my ch with the 25ml sample, I come up with 400ppm. I’ve done it a dozen...
  19. Selenap

    Actual water volume

    So if you punch in the numbers for let’s say my pool as it stands, it holds 27,200 gallons. But if you go by the number for actual water depth, it’s 25,200. So 2,000 gallons would make a difference in adding chemicals. I think this is important to note when putting in numbers on a volume...
  20. Selenap

    Preemptive measures

    We are expecting 4+- inches of rain tonight. I drained my pool down 2.5 inches and dumped a half gallon of bleach in. I have to work so I won’t be home to monitor it. I hope we get two inches anyway. Pool is nice and stable so it won’t be an issue unless we get more than 4 inches tonight.
  21. Selenap

    Error in judgment.

    So I have an agp with the stairs you gotta weight down. I didn’t want to use sand this year and instead in a fit of inspiration I used some cinderblocks. It works. Water flows around them. All is good. Now. I have what’s considered soft well water. It’s high in iron of course but fairly low in...
  22. Selenap

    Bleach fairy.

    I had a visit from the bleach fairy. While others fret over lost chlorine, I magically gained some. Yesterday evening I tested at 5.5ppm. Went to work. Got home and remembered I should probably add some. I needed to check if my ph has gone up enough anyway so I tested the chlorine. Wouldn’t you...
  23. Selenap

    Make it rain!

    I don’t have no big fancy set ups. I got country ingenuity. I decided to try and lower my TA some more and the is my way of aerating. The best $80 I’ve ever spent was 6 years ago on this little pump from Lowe’s. I hook a hose to it and move the water in any direction. I can just blast water to...
  24. Selenap

    I’m gloating

    This is a first. Yeah my ta is higher than your recommendation but look. LOOK! Lol I’m not fudging my numbers a bit. This is after putting in a new liner, city water trucked in, well water and rain. Accidentally overdosing the baking soda, countless gallons of muriatic acid to fix. Aerating and...
  25. Selenap

    Ph won’t budge without a fight.

    Well. I’m finally at around 60 ppm on borate. Maybe a touch more. The last 20 pounds via mule team and acid. I’ve added the suggested amount of acid that both my pool calculators say. That ph ain’t gonna budge. It’s 7.8. I got two gallons of acid left and I ain’t quitting without a fight. The...
  26. Selenap

    Impeller cleaning.

    I was reading some comments on someone else’s post about low PSI and reasons for it. Sorry I can’t find that post now but I was having the same problem. Low psi and loud racket. Someone mentioned cleaning the pump impeller. I googled how to do that and let me tell you. I had a rock. A stick. A...
  27. Selenap

    Self induced stroke.

    So if you lack self control and patience, go ahead and test your water right after adding borax, MA and a touch of bleach. 😂Really, I was just curious. lol. The numbers are not pretty right now.
  28. Selenap

    Stop raining!

    I dumped 55 pounds of boric acid in my pool last week. Then the rain started. It hasn’t stopped. I’ve pumped out 2 inches of water and some of my precious borates. Yeah I’m losing chlorine and cya but it’s my borates I’m grieving. I have to have it shipped to me and it costs almost as much as...
  29. Selenap


    Dollar General bleach is like $4.50 or so but it has 7.19% usuable bleach according to the bottle. My grocery store bleach doesn’t tell Me the percentage but it’s $2.38 a gallon. These are a true full gallon too. The bleach calculator on the app isn’t working on my phone so I have no B idea...
  30. Selenap


    Thrips, no see ums. Whatever you want to call them are the bane of my life. Closely followed by pollen, sweat bees and carpenter ants. Borates don’t seem to do much. It’s those little orange specks you see. Or don’t see. They bite, they love the colors white and yellow. I can’t get rid of them...