Search results

  1. JPMorgan

    Stubborn Algae

    Our indoor pool used to be pristine.... rarely a problem with any algae. Then, I went away for 2 months. Since my return, I see algae constantly popping up along the edges and in the corners of the pool regularly. I have shocked the pool (brought bromine up to 20 ppm) and I brush the algae...
  2. JPMorgan

    Combined Chlorine in a Bromine Pool

    We recently had an inspection of our pool by the Health Dept. and inspector noted that we were not testing for combined chlorine in the pool weekly, as required. Do you test for combined chlorine in a bromine pool?
  3. JPMorgan

    Bromine Quality

    Is there a significant difference in the quality of bromine? I can buy 50 lbs. of Hydria Clear bromine tablets for $260. The same amount of bromine from In-The-Swim is $470. The Hydria Clear brand says it provides 65% available bromine; 30% available chlorine. The other brand says available...
  4. JPMorgan

    pH Increaser?

    Does this look like it's enough aeration to raise pH in a 60k pool.... or am I just spitting in the ocean? :unsure:
  5. JPMorgan

    Re-securing Pool Cover Anchors

    I noticed that several of our pool cover anchor housings are spinning in the concrete when I try to screw the anchor back into the housing. Any suggestions for re-securing the housing in the concrete so they don't spin?
  6. JPMorgan

    Stubborn Algae on Pool Bottom

    So... I was away for two months and upon my return I am seeing some stubborn algae clinging to several areas in the bottom of the indoor pool. Never had it this bad before (Thanks, pool sub guy!) I have been brushing repeatedly (from the deck with a nylon brush), but it doesn't seem to remove...
  7. JPMorgan

    Heater Issue

    We had a new heater installed on indoor pool in December of ‘22. Recently had a “sensor failure”. The pool runs 24/7. Is it common for a sensor to fail after 18 months?
  8. JPMorgan

    Taylor Test Tube

    What is the 11.5 ml mark on the Taylor Water Sample Tube used for?
  9. JPMorgan

    Muriatic vs. Dry Acid

    Need a quick refresher. I have been using muriatic acid to lower pH in our pool. Pool company says we should use dry acid, as it allows swimmers to enter the pool sooner. They say swimmers should not be in the pool for at least 30 minutes after adding muriatic acid. Can anyone comment on...
  10. JPMorgan

    Re-opening Pool

    We are re-opening our indoor pool after several months of being down for work. It is a bromine pool. Would I follow regular SLAM procedure or is that not necessary with a fresh fill? Could I just bring FC up to about 5 ppm with liquid chlorine, then let the bromine feeder/controller take over...
  11. JPMorgan

    Chemical Controller

    Does anyone have experience with chemical controllers, especially wi-fi enabled ones? Looking for a recommendation as we are making upgrades to our system. Which brand/model would you recommend? Specifically... does the wi-fi feature work well and is it worth the extra expense? Seems to me...
  12. JPMorgan

    Depth Markers

    We just had an indoor pool deck resurfaced and they were unable to work around the depth markers so we need to re-install those. It is a bit expensive to set ceramic tile depth markers in the deck. We have one quote for $1,800. We have markers on the interior of the pool (at the tile line)...
  13. JPMorgan

    Simple Closing Question

    First of all, let me get this out of the way.... the pool company that was hired by our HOA some years ago is lame and I'm working on getting them replaced. They shut down the pool equipment a couple weeks ago and the pool is sitting uncovered waiting for them to return to lower water level...
  14. JPMorgan

    Closing pH

    Since cold water is corrosive, i.e., lowers CSI, is it a good idea to let pH drift up prior to closing.... maybe close around 7.8?
  15. JPMorgan

    Filter capacity?

    We are currently getting about 100 gpm from our outdoor pool pump. I'm told the pump is capable of much more flow than that. The state regs say our pool should turn over every 6 hours, so that's 167 gpm required for our 60,000 gallon pool. We had the pump checked out and were told the...
  16. JPMorgan

    Need to change water?

    Our indoor pool runs year round and the water has not been changed in over 2 years. The pool gets minimal use and the water is clean and clear. I'm not having any problems with the water chemistry. The Aquasol Controller keeps the bromine level at a steady 6-7 ppm and pH at a steady 7.5 with...
  17. JPMorgan

    Impact of a little beer in the pool???

    We have a rule at our HOA pool that drinks must be 4 feet from the edge of the pool. I'm not sure when this rule was established, but I am questioning it. It is an older crowd here.... no rowdy parties. Average age..... probably over 60. Is it really going to be a problem if someone is in the...
  18. JPMorgan

    Maximum Acid Concentration in an Acid Feeder

    We have a 30 gallon acid feeder on a 20,000 gallon indoor pool. We are doing some modifications to our pool equipment and plan to use the acid feeder to feed both the indoor and outdoor pool. I have been adding 1 gallon of 31.45% MA to the 30 gallon tank and it lasts about 2 weeks before I...
  19. JPMorgan

    Start up of bromine pool

    How often should the water be changed in an indoor bromine pool that gets minimal to moderate use.... every couple years? When starting with a fresh fill would you SLAM a bromine pool with liquid chlorine the same way you would SLAM a chlorine pool?
  20. JPMorgan

    Recommendation for Indoor Pool Sanitizing

    We are going through the process of making modifications to our pool equipment. Number 1 on the list is changing from a trichlor feeder on our outdoor pool to a liquid chlorine feeder. Our indoor pool is currently a bromine pool. It seems to work fine, but bromine is expensive! Would it make...
  21. JPMorgan

    Sufficient Aeration?

    I am working on a simple system for raising pH in a 60,000 gallon pool. Hoping to raise it about .1 ppm overnight (10-12 hours). Will this do the trick?
  22. JPMorgan

    WiFi Enabled Controllers

    I understand that they make Digital, WiFi-enabled Controllers that allow you to access the pool chemistry levels (ORP and pH) remotely form a phone App. Does anyone have a recommendation for this type of Controller? Do any Controllers also give readings for CYA, CH or TA? Also, does a...
  23. JPMorgan

    Chlorine Level and Overall Use

    If I keep the chlorine level at the higher end of the range for the corresponding CYA level, will I use more chlorine over the course of the summer? For example, at CYA level of 40, the recommended chlorine level is 3-7 ppm. If I maintain the FC at 6-7 rather than 3-4 will I end up using...
  24. JPMorgan

    Aeration Question

    Looking for a good option for aerating our pool for when I need to raise pH. Any thoughts on which of these might be the better option. This is for a 60k gallon outdoor pool. Any other ideas?
  25. JPMorgan


    My HOA has offered to pay for my CPO training/certification. Is there a course/program that TFP recommends for obtaining the CPO?
  26. JPMorgan

    Heater Problem

    Recently the message "Rollout Switch Open" came up on the panel of our heater. The pool company replaced the switch, but the next day the same message appeared (and pool is not heating). The pool company tells us the heater needs to be replaced or..... we can get an HVAC company to come take a...
  27. JPMorgan

    TFP T-Shirts

    Where can I buy more T-Shirts like the one I received when I became a Gold Supporter?
  28. JPMorgan

    Pool Deck Vacuum Cleaner

    I am looking for a vacuum cleaner for regular cleaning of our indoor pool deck. Would like something that cleans with water as it vacuums… preferably battery operated. Any suggestions?
  29. JPMorgan

    What To Do About Air Leak

    We just recently opened the outdoor pool at our HOA and I am noticing a lot of air in the system. I can see air bubbles coming from several of the jets (in shallow end of pool) and each time I check the equipment I am bleeding lots of air from the two large filters. Should I be concerned about...
  30. JPMorgan

    Safe FC Level

    HOA residents are eager to get in the pool for the first time. We are currently at 7 ppm FC. Water is clear and FC is gradually dropping after shocking last night. Is 7 ppm okay for swimmers?