Liquid chlorine 4 days old ?


Bronze Supporter
Mar 2, 2024
Clayton, NC
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
Today is May 21, 2024, Julian date 24141. I just picked up some Pool Essentials liquid bleach from Walmart with a Julian date of 24137. That’s a manufacturer’s date of 4 days ago. Can that be true that they bottled that stuff 4 days ago, shipped it from who knows where, and stocked it on Walmart’s shelf in that short of time?
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I've seen liquid chlorine at my Walmart that is less than 30 days old, which is impressive. 4 days would be super impressive, but I guess feasible.
Congrats on some fresh stuff!
I went to my Wally World today & they had zilch! 😢
I wouldn’t be surprised if it is bottled somewhere locally in the same place as the Home Depot stuff etc.
many products are like that - they just put different labels on.
There’s a chlorine plant in hamlet nc - a little less than 2 hours from you.