Recent content by ttlkurtis

  1. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    SLAM is going well and now I am thinking ahead to summer… if we want to go out of town for like 10 days in the summer, then what? Lol. Do we need a backup stash of chlorine pucks for such an occasion? And also over chlorinate before we leave to a particular level?
  2. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    SLAM is going pretty well so far... water looks great, levels were 19FC this morning at 8am, then by 2pm it went down to 14ppm and I added another half-jug of 10% liquid chlorine from HomeDepot to get it back up. Going to check it again in a little bit and I suspect add another half of a jug...
  3. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Would I just integrate a T, or it needs to be a continuous flowing run? I've run conduit before, so I'm confident I can do the cutting and fitting and glue-up, but not sure what will function properly.
  4. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    So this is what my setup looks like... the diameter of the PVC coming from the heater to return to the pool is 2.5"OD and that straight section there is only 10-1/2" long. Looking at one of the SWG manuals, it seems to say that you want 12" of straight pipe before integrating the SWG... so it...
  5. IMG_9580.JPG


  6. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Oh Dang multiple times daily. This is really somethin' :D
  7. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Added enough bleach (supposedly) yesterday to SLAM the pool to 16FC and today it was already at 8.5. Good news is the water looked great lol... Spa still looks a bit meh, so when it told me to add another 1.6 jugs of 10% bleach, I added a bit of it directly to the spa this time.
  8. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Such a system would be installed AFTER the heater on the return line to avoid corrosion in the heater, right? Is there any other stuff that has to be changed / converted, or it's a pretty simple afternoon DIY from the looks of it? Would I need any different testing equipment / chemicals beyond...
  9. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    I just added details to my signature :) Good info about the muriatic acid, I had a little bit that I stored in our casita, but I'll change to storing that outside somewhere, we have a covered patio around the side of the house. I should keep it inside a plastic bin, though? Yeah it sounds like...
  10. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Incredibly helpful post, thank you! Saving that image to my favorites on my phone. :)
  11. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    This is what I was referring to, for reference. Basically lower strength is more shelf-stable (not that I'm keeping it around for 6 months) and easier to find: TFP Recommended Pool Chemicals - Chlorine
  12. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    I've been careful to only get the plain bleach, not just whatever we might have had on-hand. Now that I'm reading more and it looks like this is something I need to be testing and balancing on a daily basis (at least here in Texas where it's so hot), I'm wondering if I should be looking into a...
  13. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    The things I read said to just use regular household bleach from grocery store or hardware store, so that's what I've been doing, haven't looked for higher concentration. I'll do a little googling and see where I can get 12.5% from. Any particular suggestions on source / brand / quantity and...
  14. ttlkurtis

    Pool seems to just drink up bleach so fast

    Yeah all those 0s are from when I measure and then I add everything it suggests. Am I supposed to do another measurement later in the day and log the results after chemicals were added and had time to mix in the pool water? Just read up on OCLT here - I definitely have algae forming so...