Recent content by Rost-Lufer

  1. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Just want to say thanks! Pool still not clear but getting there! Just vacuumed and brushed whole pool. There was just a few splotches of green on bottom. Water not green anymore, just cloudy. Slowly but surely. Checking SLAM levels at least 3 times a day.
  2. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Out of curiosity, how long does it take? It's green cloudy. I can vaguely see bottom of pool. Pool depth about 46". Been slamming for 24 hours and virtually no change. I also assumed FC would drop pretty quick but it's not really. Only added bleach once late morning today and still holding...
  3. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Ok thank you! That's what I am currently doing. Wasn't sure how long it would take to clear the swamp. I added enough CYA to hit 35 and adjusted FC and added. I guess I thought it would clear a little faster. Appreciate you all!
  4. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Started SLAM yesterday. Overnight I had no FC loss. Water is still super cloudy green. What am I missing? Shouldn't the FC have dropped substantially over night from killing off the algae? Before I started I tested CYA. I filled the CYA tube and could still faintly make out the dot at...
  5. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    You'll probably get more help if you start your own subject thread
  6. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    The siphon worked great! So this is where I'm at. Before I started water was clear and algae was caked to bottom of pool. While vacuuming it stirred up the algae so now bottom is clear of algae but the water is now pretty green. Can barely see bottom of pool. My thought was to let algae...
  7. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Thanks all! Gonna try the siphon thing and see how that goes.
  8. R

    Newbie...second year...algae swamp on opening...

    Hey all. Just took pool cover off. 7500 gallon 12x24 above ground vinyl. Drained below return so pool is a little over half full. Bottom of pool is a solid sheet of green. Would would be best way to solve? Fill pool and SLAM or drain and refill? If I drain do I just brush really well and...
  9. R

    Algae issues and closing pool for first time

    So I'm just going to keep it at SLAM levels all week then close. Can't hurt right?
  10. R

    Algae issues and closing pool for first time

    2-3 times on my work days and 5-6 on off days. I always made sure I was done when there was no visible algae, water was super clear, no CC and less than 1ppm OCLT.
  11. R

    Algae issues and closing pool for first time

    Ladder is algae free. Took it out for winter and no signs of algae.
  12. R

    Algae issues and closing pool for first time

    I think I did. I've SLAMmed twice this year. Both times worked great and all levels were normal for awhile. Then algae shows up again! Get FC to SLAM numbers, make sure 0 CC, make sure less than 1ppm OCLT. With visible algae my CC is always 0. What I don't understand is my levels are good...
  13. R

    Algae issues and closing pool for first time

    Hey y'all, First year pool owner here. Want to close pool but have been having algae issues. All chemicals are balanced unless I'm missing something. Algae keeps showing up where walls meet floor and random spots on floor. It's very light green and comes off easy, but it's there. I...
  14. R

    new pool owner....have algae...need advice

    OK. FC was at 5. Brushed algae and added 106oz bleach for SLAM level according to pool math for my current levels.